Thursday, July 31, 2008

Meanwhile somewhere up north...

Spiderman could not save James... From himself.


I got nothin'...

White Page 11

Meanwhile in the jungle...

Mimi is lost. She was knocked unconscious.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Meanwhile at Kyle's house...

Kyle reads some George Lucas quotes and shows his computer what it means to be ANGRY

Sometime afterward, Kyle views the Cornucopyii of Knowledge and shows his computer what it means to LOVE

Meanwhile... In a galaxy far far away....

Rob no longer rejects the Earth.

Rough translation: MY TIME HAS COME!!!

Daily BOK Classic

Meanwhile in space...
Bob built a spaceship with nuclear missiles to destroy all of SW! Christian Highschool! But to Bob's surprise... Quigly followed him into space and.... Humped the main thrusters!! Bob was trapped in space, with no hope of not being humped.

Turn to Page 21

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Meanwhile in 2013, at a bookstore...

Eric signs his world famous best seller "The Wonder of Nor". Eric's book is so popular that several faceless parents offer up there babies as human sacrifices. However, Eric probably resorted to adopting them rather then destroying them. Although, no one really knows what happened to this baby...

Daily BOK Classic

Meanwhile in French...
Britta is retarded
Then she died from a headache.

Then her arms and legs shrivel up

Then in BW --- Britta takes out Coleman

Meanwhile in the Star Wars Exhibit...

Bob makes off with the landspeeder...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Meanwhile at the Star Wars Exhibit/Science Museum

Batmatt realizes that he may have shot 2 random people outside the building, when he discovers that Bob had already broken in and had proceeded to test out the goods.

Daily BOK Classic

Spiderman couldnt save Mike

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Meanwhile at the Science Museum

Meanwhile at the Science Museum, Matt takes a bit of time off of work to settle the score.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Meanwhile at a local poker tournement...

Kyle is a big winner and Eric gets it in the face